
Below are the schedule and classroom materials for CyVerse AstroContainers Workshop, which will run from May 7th and 8th, 2018.

This workshop runs under a Code of Conduct. Please respect it and be excellent to each other!

Day Time Topic/Activity Notes/Links
05/07/18 (Monday) 09:00am-09:15am Introduction to CyVerse and Data7 (Nirav Merchant) Intro slides
  09:15am-10:00am Container landscape and computation resources (Nirav Merchant) Intro slides
  10:00am-10:15am Coffee and snack break with networking  
  10:15am-11:00am Science code and Science Platform: Docker at LSST (Frossie Economou)  
  11:00am-12:00pm Introductory Docker (CK Chan)
  12:00pm-01:00pm Lunch break on your own  
  01:00pm-2:30pm Advanced Docker (Upendra Devisetty) Advanced docker
  2:30pm-3:00pm Coffee break (15 min) and afternoon session planning  
  3:00pm-5:00pm BYOD/A (Hands-on project)  
05/08/18 (Tuesday) 09:00am-9:15am General overview of Singularity (Tyson Swetnam) Singularity Overview Slides Gitpitch slides
  9:15am-10:00am Singularity setup (Tyson Swetnam) Singularity Introduction
  10:00am-10:15am Coffee and snack break with networking  
  10:15am-10:45am EHT, PCA, and Singularity (Lia Medeiros)  
  10:45am-12:00pm Introductory Singularity cont.. (Tyson Swetnam)
  12:00pm-01:00pm Lunch break on your own  
  01:00pm-2:30pm Advanced Singularity (Chris Reidy) Advanced Singularity
  2:30pm-3:00pm Coffee break (15 min) and afternoon session planning  
  3:00pm-5:00pm BYOD/A (Hands-on project)